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Updated: May 8th, 2020
Another traditional family celebration is upon us as we all continue to cope with physical separation from our family and friends. I trust most of you have become adept at keeping in touch with loved ones through all the virtual methods that have become part of our day to day routine. On behalf of myself and the staff at Contemporary Plastic Surgery we wish everyone a very happy Mother’s Day. To all the moms, we hope your families have some creative ways of making you feel extra special this year. Many of you have become teachers, hair stylists and, based on social media posts I’ve seen,…..gourmet chefs, all while providing fundamental emotional support your kids (spouses?).
Looking beyond this special weekend the staff and I are busy preparing to resume offering in office treatments and services as of Monday, May 18th. Rest assured that our physical environment has been maintained to the highest standards of cleanliness and infection prevention. We have always embraced policies and procedures to insure the safety and security of our patients as priority number one! Now, more than ever, where people choose to go to undergo skin care treatments; Botox®, fillers, etc., matters. There will be some new Covid-19 related steps we will be taking to further reduce the risks of exposure. Next week I will be publishing our full protocol so everyone who comes to the office will be aware of these enhancements.
In brief, when scheduling your appointment you will be asked a series of questions related to any signs or symptoms of illness. We will be scheduling appointments so as to eliminate the need to wait in our waiting room. As many of you are aware we have two distinct waiting rooms which also facilitates your privacy and maintains physical distancing from others if there is a brief wait. Upon arrival all patients will have their temperature taken (touchless) and be provided any necessary PPE if masks are inadvertently left in the vehicle. Hand sanitizer, as always, is readily available and required. You will be seeing the staff in enhanced PPE as their safety, as yours, is paramount to me.
For those who would like to avoid physically coming to the office for consultation or follow up visits I encourage you to take advantage of our new technology, Symplast! We are excited to be transitioning to the Symplast system for our appointment scheduling, telehealth (virtual visits), electronic medical records and most importantly improved communication with our patients. There is a secure chat capability for any questions or concerns. Photos can be uploaded with security and privacy as well. We also look forward to eliminating all those annoying paper forms as all can be completed via smart phone or pad, prior to your visit. The 21st century has finally arrived at CPS! So when calling the office, Jem, Amy and Nicole can provide you with all the information to utilize this convenient technology.
Lastly, I’d like to personally thank our loyal patients for the trust you have placed in us over the years. Be assured we are ready for the challenge and fully committed to meeting your aesthetic needs in a comfortable, safe, secure environment. I look forward to seeing everyone in the near future.
Stay safe,
Dr. H
Updated: April 24th, 2020
To Our Patients:
After more than a month of adapting to the extreme measures necessary to combat the spread of Covid-19 we are enthusiastically looking forward to resuming normal office hours in the upcoming weeks. Our number one priority at Contemporary Plastic Surgery is to create the safest environment we can to provide the care and services that our patients are accustomed to. We are in the process of developing the necessary policies and procedures to do just that. As a member of the NJ Society of Plastic Surgeons Covid-19 Task Force I am working diligently with my colleagues to establish protocols involving; staff training, social distancing, health screening evaluations and utilization of protective equipment, based on the latest guidance from public health authorities. I am confident that with these measures in place we can provide the non-invasive, elective services that many of you have had to defer over these past few weeks including Botox®, and injectable fillers. This would include our skin care services as well.
It is anticipated that elective surgery procedures will also be able to commence upon lifting of the ban imposed several weeks ago by the Governor’s office. Next week I will be posting the specific steps that we are implementing so that we can insure the safety of our patients and staff. By reviewing this information we trust you will be better prepared when scheduling your appointment and arriving for your visit.
I look forward with enthusiasm to seeing you all again in the near future. In the meantime, I am available for video consultation or questions via the Symplast app posted on our website. You can also call us at (732) 254-1919 for details.
Stay healthy and safe!
Dr. H
Updated: April 10th, 2020
As we come to the end of the third week of Covid-19 imposed limited office hours at Contemporary Plastic Surgery I’d like to take a moment to wish everyone a happy, healthy Passover and Easter holiday. We all have been experiencing trying times but hopefully have found ways to stay connected to friends and family and perhaps have had a chance to tackle those often put off “to-do” lists. Personally, I don’t think I’ve done this much house cleaning in quite some time. (Let’s just say I’d rather be treating patients.)
Based on NJ and Federal guidelines we anticipate at least another few weeks of prohibition on performing any “non-urgent” non-invasive or surgical services. Our office continues to be open during normal business hours to answer any questions or concerns and to schedule future appointments based on an estimated time frame for return to regular operations. For those who are enjoying our skin care products at home we anticipate continuing to fulfill all orders called or emailed to the office by USPS.
We have also rolled out our video consult/office visit platform called Symplast which is available as an app for anyone who would like to schedule a “virtual” consultation or communicate with me personally. In addition, we will be posting weekly updates to keep everyone informed as to the status of office hours.
Lastly, on behalf of the Staff of Contemporary Plastic Surgery, we hope that everyone is staying safe, and healthy by observing the well publicized recommendations for limiting potential exposure to infection. We all optimistically look forward to once again providing a full range of services for our patients to promote health and well being in the near future.
Dr. H
When you choose Contemporary Plastic Surgery in New Jersey for your cosmetic surgery needs,
you can be confident in the care you will receive.