Case 3
This 32-year-old mother wanted to improve the look of her breasts, which had begun to sag with time. Tired of feeling disappointed with her breasts, she decided to find a cosmetic surgeon who performed both breast augmentation and breast lift procedures. After learning about Contemporary Plastic Surgery, she contacted us for a consultation.
With her surgeon’s experience performing combination procedures, she could have both procedures done safely with only one recovery period. As you can see from her “after” photos, her breasts look much more youthful and have a natural-looking contour.
Age: 32 / Gender: Female
Case 11
This 26 year old female was unhappy with the look of her sagging breasts. After discussing with Dr. Herbstman, she decided to undergo a breast lift.
Age: 26 / Gender: Female
Case 26
This 38-year-old mother of three lost all of her breast volume after her last pregnancy and also complained of sagging and asymmetry. She underwent a breast lift and augmentation with saline implants to restore her pre-pregnancy breast size.
Age: 38 / Gender: Female
Case 27
This 51-year-old mother had seen her body go through a dramatic transformation from her six pregnancies, and she wanted her figure back. As part of her “mommy makeover,” she underwent a breast lift to restore her droopy DD breasts to their pre-baby shape and body contouring to get rid of the excess skin on her stomach.
Age: 51 / Gender: Female
Case 28
At age 23, this young New Jersey woman was experiencing noticeable breast ptosis (droopiness or sagging) and wanted to get a breast lift and breast implants using gel silicone implants.
Age: 23 / Gender: Female